5 inspiring blogs you would like to read
Personal Development,  Professional Development

5 inspiring blogs you would like to read

We all need some inspiration from time to time, and where else to find it if not in between the pages of inspirational blogs?

These blogs are covering different topics and interests, and are meant to lift up your spirit and mental state when you most need it, offer you ideas, and help you cope with everyday life. Read these blogs for inspiration, to get advice resolving your problems and help facing life challenges. You’ll find the courage to make the right moves and – why not – get started with a new project!

Here is a list of 5 inspirational blogs, and a short description for each one. Subscribe to the ones you find most attracting and get the latest news in your inbox. Or subscribe to all of them!

Without any further do, let’s get started!

1). Marie Forleo.

She is a great enthusiastic entrepreneur living her dream and teaching others how to succeed in business. She offers a program called B- School which is highly priced but also has lots of value. You can also get inspired by browsing her blog. She posts every Tuesday and her video blogs are highly inspiring. Why I love her? Just take a look at this MarieTV episode on How to stop judging yourself and others and you’ll understand why! This is just one of the trillion reasons why.

2). Minimalist Mom.

I found this site years ago and kept on visiting from time to time. After I became a parent, the site caught my attention even more. Rachel, the minimalist mom, writers on her blog since 2010 and she’s constantly looking for new ways on having more with actually owning less. And being a mom is definitely challenging, especially when you have three little boys! Reach out her blog at theminimalistmom.com and browse through her posts.

3). Simona Rich.

Her website is much more about religion and spirituality, but I believe these are highly related to personal development. One of her posts that caught my attention is Strange Kundalini Phenomena Explained: Vanishing Mirror Image, Astral Attacks and MoreI read about Kundalini a few years ago and found it very interesting. She also touches subjects as psychology, relationships, self-healing, and more.

4). Tiny Buddha.

“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.” ~Buddha!
I absolutely love this quote because it’s so true! Visit Tiny Buddha for tips on happiness, love, relationships and much more. Tiny Buddha has even a forum where you can freely discuss problems and life situations. Tiny Buddha blog is structured on 9 sections that you can consult for inspiration and lots of useful tips. I like their  Letting go section, and the article titled A Different Kind of More: The Beauty of Living with Less Stuff.

5). Pick the Brain.

If you are an avid learner and love to know everything about self-development, self motivation, personal productivity and education, Pick the brain is the right inspirational blog to check out. Read their articles about personal productivity, motivation and philosophy. I loved the article Why Your Flaws Are Actually Your Strengths where they encourage you to embrace your uniqueness and confronting your fears.

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