Personal Development
10 Gift ideas for Valentine’s Day
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for 5 years, 2 years or only 6 months, Valentine’s Day is such a special occasion to show her that you care and cherish every moment together. Finding a great gift can be challenging, so start hunting for the right gift until you find what you think is most suitable for her! Here are some interesting ideas to serve as inspiration and maybe strike some other ideas while you’re reading the lines. You know her better, so don’t be afraid to choose what you think will please her the most! 1). Buy her a ring! If you haven’t done already, you can…
What if you can have everything you ever wanted right now?
The more I think I’m happy, the happier I am. Have you ever thought about why other people seem to be so happy while nothing fantastic ever happen for you? Do you feel things are slipping through your fingers and have the impression there’s nothing you can do about it? Things are not easy, life itself is not easy, and as you grow and you realize that you have to struggle to accomplish what you want in life, and it would be much easier if you had a ‘shortcut’ to it. And let’s face it, many of us thought about that magic pill that can transform everything over the night…
Emotional healing, or how to heal your emotions – book review
Today I want to tell you a little bit about emotions and how they can interfere with your personal and professional development. Your emotions are your tools to succeed, but they can also become obstacles on the way if you don’t know how to manage them and how to turn them on your side. Here is Curacion Emocional {Emotional Healing}, the book written by doctor David Servan-Schreiber, where he presents ways in which you can have a better life and put stress at ease, get rid of anxiety and fear. And what’s more, he explains you how to do all that without pills! This is the kind of book that make…
Ready to pursue your dreams?
Definition: Success means finding a way of earning a living from doing the activity that you most love. If you wake up every day doing what you like to do, then you have achieved your dream(s). Doing the right thing to pursue your dreams and taking the first steps towards it can be very threatening, but if you have to courage to step into this journey, here is what you can expect from it. A lot of things are going to change, so be prepared for it.